The Alpha Wave Podcast Newsletter
THE ALPHA WAVE (PRIVATE)- Open Source Your Mind
A Stoic's Zen

A Stoic's Zen

by Alexander Nimos | AWP#15

Amidst the low hum of the city, a whispering void beckoned the soul to rest in the cradle of silence. Here, in the unspoken, laid a realm untouched by the cacophony of existence, a sanctuary for the mind to wander free from the shackles of incessant chatter.

The protagonist, a solitary figure, found solace in the margins of society where the drama of the mundane ceased to echo. Each acquaintance was a mirror, reflecting either the folly of rivalry or the wisdom of alliance. A fleeting encounter with an intellect superior, a chance to delve into the vast expanse of the unknown, was a treasure not to be squandered in petty competition. Yet, the societal chains of rivalry sought to ensnare, a perilous trap veiled in the guise of ambition.

The concept of family, a ubiquitous term laden with unyielding expectations, began to unravel. The bonds forged in the furnace of choice and mutual respect, not the accident of birth, held the essence of a true kinship. The protagonist’s quest for a tribe untainted by the bitterness of past grievances led them to a fellowship bound by the pursuit of enlightenment, not the shackles of blind allegiance.


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The Alpha Wave Podcast Newsletter
THE ALPHA WAVE (PRIVATE)- Open Source Your Mind
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The Alpha Wave Podcast is the Official Podcast of The Alpha Fund AVA project.